Environmentaland Social (E&S) Policy

Sheetal Kart has developed an E&S policy (“Policy”) tointegrate E&S commitments into its business operations, management anddecision-making process across all its facilities (office, warehouse and retailstores). The Policy defines E&S objectives and guiding the Company toachieve sound E&S performance of the Company in compliance with theapplicable legal requirements and E&S reference frameworks. It reflectsCompany’s commitment to the employees’ welfare, professional growth, which cancontribute to Sheetal Kart’s positive growth. 

SheetalKart Team is committed to

Complying with all the Environment, Health, Safety and Social (EHSS) laws at National, State and local level and abide by the good industry practices, based on global reference standards in its business activities;

Encourage sustainable supply chain by building a network of responsible associated partners committed to environmental stewardship and social compliance across the business operations; 

Provide safe and healthy work environment to all employees and other associated stakeholders to prevent any injury and ill-health; 

Respect human right principles as well as local cultures, customs, values and safety while dealing with the employees, external consultants/vendors/service providers, local community with respect to business; 

Notengage child and forced labour, avoid discrimination among employees – inparticular with regards to wages, hiring, access to training, promotion,maternity protection and dismissal – based on sex, race or ethnic origin,religion, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, nationality,gender identity or social background, and follow disciplinary practices and thesystem of freedom of association in the organization; 

Ensure payment of wages and overtime complying with industry or legal national minima and ensure that all benefits that employees are eligible for are clearly communicated to them.

Ensure the right of workers and employers to form and join independent organizations i.e. freedom of association without interference from other and right to collective bargaining.

Establish transparent, fair and prompt communication mechanisms and channels to ensure effective stakeholder engagement that enables appropriate decision-making;

Implement a systematic communication/grievances reporting, response and monitoring mechanism for all the stakeholders; 

Put in place an organizational structure, defining the roles in the implementation of the E&S Policy and Environment & Social Management System (ESMS).

Maintain employee engagement and empower them through periodic training programs, encouraging them to accept individual responsibility for implementation of E&S Policy, best practices and remain compliant with all applicable standards; 

Delineaterespective roles and responsibilities across all business verticals in linewith this Policy and ensure that all employees are aware of their roles andresponsibilities to fulfil and sustain the policy;

Html TextPolicyApplicability and Implementation

The E&S Policy of Sheetal Kart’s will govern the overalloperations of the Company including its decision-making in an environmentallyand socially sustainable manner. The third-party material and service providers(including vendors and contractors) of the Company are encouraged to follow theE&S policy and associated procedure, as applicable, with guidance andsupport from Sheetal Kart’s team. The Policy is applicable to Company’scorporate office, warehouse, retail stores and to all associated stakeholdersincluding management, employees, vendors/suppliers, contractors, visitors,public and the community around the Company’s existing facilities.